Sites I Love

Photoshop Extras:

{The Coffee Shop Blog}  One of my favorite sites for FREE Photoshop actions, templates, storyboards and more.  I love the fact that everything is free and Rita's (the creator) willingness to share her knowledge and how she develops her actions. 

Choosing Colors:

Have  hard time picking colors for backgrounds of your creations in Photoshop or PSE?  There are a lot of color scheme generators out there on the Internet and this is my personal favorite.  It allows you to pick a primary color and then gives you options using classic choices with a color wheel.  It is also a fun site when you need a little prodding to get the creative juices flowing.


{The Cutest Blog on the Block} This site offers free, well designed backgrounds for your blog or website.  They often have the appearance of a scrapbook page, rather than a seamless paper.

{The Pattern Cooler} This site also offers free backgrounds for your blog, which are typically seamless papers.